Oshkosh Tool Company

Oshkosh Spoons, Spades, Cant Hooks, etc.

10′ and 12′ Master Shovel (**WP) with ash handle

10″ carbon steel blades with boron
Forged in special straight pattern – heat treated
Handles contain footage markers to indicate the depth of the hole

Other Information

**(WP) Western Pattern Blades are designed for harder, clay-like soil. (EP) Eastern Pattern Blades are designed for lighter, sandier soil conditions. All shovels are tested for strength, balance, hardness, finish and workmanship. Replacement parts and non-conductive handles available upon request.

Also available: Can Hooks, Pole Cradles, Digging Bars, Lug Hooks, Post Hole Diggers, Tamp Bars, Reels, Tree Trimmers, Pike Poles, Short Handle Shovels, Poly Handles, Tongs and Peavles.

Model Information